We’ve been busy getting the groundwork together for Gilmore House. Here’s what’s been going on:
The Board met twice to organize ourselves and refine our mission. Our mission has expanded to include Monmouth County. We have narrowed our scope to single mothers of children with intellectual disabilities.
We were blessed with financial gifts from Charlene Forgione, Rev. Bob & Dorothy Frost, Bettyann Gilmore, Walter Hopgood, Isis and Janet Stafford. We received in-kind gifts from Michael Capezza and Lynn Caterson. These gifts have allowed us to create and file our application for Federal 501c3 Nonprofit Status and keep our New Jersey Nonprofit Status current.
We are scheduled to be notified about the status of our 501c3 application by February 12th. As soon as we are granted status we can solicit tax-deductible donations and will be exempt from state sales taxes.
In the near future, expect to see fundraising events, relationships with other nonprofit organizations and speaking engagements. We will also have new promotional material to share our mission and the opportunities.
Thank you for your interest and support.
Grace and peace, Jackie